Two systems

The AR technology drives two powerful systems

1) Lead Generation

Convert website and advertisement viewers into leads

2) Clinic Consultations

Convert consultations into treatments & improve satisfaction

1) Lead Generation

Improve lead conversion & marketing performance.

AR tool is embedded in website & advertising campaigns.

Users can access a generic AR lens, but must enter their contact info to receive a personalised lens.

This builds the clinic a list of leads that could have never been reached beforehand.

Access in 1-click

Runs on mobile & desktop browsers so viewers can access instantly (no app required).

1) Viewers create a personalized AR lens by selecting from a set of attributes

2) The user provides their contact information and is sent their personalized lens.

2) Clinic Consultations

Personalised to each Patient

During each consultation the patient agrees to the simulation legal terms and the clinician can create a variety of lenses for the patients to experience.

Variability Displayed

Each simulation generates a specific amount of grafts and the hair growth rate can be adjusted by the user and clinician.

This enables the variable treatment results to be clearly demonstrated to the patient.

This provides the most accurate post-treatment representation possible.

In-Clinic & Home

Access on any device

Accessed by any device within the browser.
We recommend a tablet and a stand.

Access remotely

A link can be sent to patients which opens their personalised AR lens on their device which can be used for remote consultations and post-consultation engagement.

This tool can be also used to re-engage previously interested patients through emailing lists and SMS.

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